Monday, September 27, 2010

Pudding Face

Butterscotch pudding anyone?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Jenna's Bridal Shower

Yesterday I hosted a Bridal Shower in honor of Jenna.  Lots of family, friends and lots of food. It was a great time.  Thanks to all who attended!  Only 19 days left til the Wedding Day!

Notice my sneaky child thinking all those gifts are for him

A successful Potluck

Sorry Jenna, I think Justin stole the show...Or at least Mimi's attention :)

The Bridesmaids
 Becca, Me, Jenna, Alexis, and Danielle

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Justin's FIRST Birthday!!

Our little Peanut turned the big O-N-E today!  I cant believe it's a been a year!  I know I've said this numerous times, but this little boy has been such a blessing in my life.  He really brought back joy to my life after my moms passing.  He makes me smile everyday.  He is saying mom and dad and is starting to walk on his own.  He loves music and he loves to sing a long. 
We had a little party for him today too.  Enjoy!

Getting some wrestle time in with Grandpa Newport before eating

Daddy and the Birthday Boy
Katie, one of my best friends ever!
Happy Birthday to you!

I love my Justin!
My wonderful Family
Justin and Grandpa Newport
Soon-to-be Aunt Jenna, Justin and Uncle Nathan
My Daddy
Jenna and Me

Justin and his favorite thing: Making a mess at Mimi's

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bucket List

Here's my Bucket List: Top 4

1. Scuba Dive in the Great Barrier Reef with Gregory

2: Go to a Super Bowl!!

3.  Go to NewYork....See a Broadway Show....Go to New York Fashion Week!!

4. Own a Corvette (except mine will be Black with sparkles)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Busy Bee

I just looked at my calender and realized I have something to do for the next 5 weekends...and it's not little things like grocery shopping and laundry.
Next weekend is Justin's 1st birthday party.  The Saturday after that I'm hosting Jenna's bridal shower.  The first weekend in October, I'm taking the boys up to the cabin for some family time (Cody is very excited he gets to play with his cousin Megan!) The weekend after that is Jenna's Bachelorette party and the Saturday after that is Nathan and Jenna's wedding!....Then I get a one week break and after that it's Halloween!!!!  Needless to say me weeks will be consumed making sure all said events are ready and making sure I keep my stress level to a minimum.  My poor husband is going to forget who we are :)
I'm convinced this year has gone by faster than any other year I can remember!

P.S The weekend after Halloween we have a dog show in Yuma, the weekend after that I'm going to the Cardinals game, the weekend after that is Trevors 3rd birthday, 2 weeks after that is my birthday and 3 weeks after that is Christmas....There goes my year.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Weight Loss Update

So far I've lost 15lbs....5lbs with Nutrisystem...I got my second shipment too. This will be my last month on it. I still need to lose 20 more lbs.  (I can't complain though, I haven't been at this weight in 4 years)

Pros: Super easy to make, don't have to worry about what to make, actually tastes pretty good
Cons: Expensive.  And I still have to buy food for the boys. Gets boring

I did really well the first 2 weeks and then I just got off track.  I'm really trying to be better and hopefully lose 5-8 more lbs this month.  It would be a lot easier if I didn't have to make dinner for the boys....I want to eat what they're eating.  And I still have to buy the food.  So between my Nutrisystem and buying food every week for the boys, I probably spend about $700 just on food which is absolutely outrageous.  I am glad I tried it though and with the weather actually starting to be barable in the evenings, I hope to get some exercise in.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

AAAHHHHH Lasagna Night

I think, as a mother, it's very important to capture the lasagna/spaghetti face picture....Case in point:

Yes, Justin is a complete mess, but at least he's an adorable complete mess!

I can't believe this little miracle is going to be 1 next Saturday!  Where has the time gone?  I get a little sad thinking this is my last 1st birthday boy :(

Our Slide Show

All About The Kiddos

Cody was born in Yuma, AZ on May 10, 2005. He was born at 2:54 on a Tuesday morning. He was 7lbs 2oz and was 19 inches long... I think back on it now, and all I really remember was being in pain for the whole day. I had a Drs appointment Monday morning and my Dr stripped my membranes. Yes, it's as painful as it sounds. After my appointment, Greg and I went and walked around Wal-Mart. Sounds funny, but it was the middle of summer in Yuma and Wal-mart was the only cool place to walk. I had been having little contractions here and there but nothing substantial. After walking, we went home and waited a while. Finally by 8 o'clock that night, I was ready. The hospital was 30 minutes away. Once I got into triage, I wasn’t dilated enough to be admitted so 2 more hours of harsh contractions walking around the hospital. I do remember Greg being a wonderful coach though. It seemed like the only thing that would help was to sway side to side. Im sure it probably looked like we were dancing. Finally around 11:30 they admitted me. I had my epidural and I was set. They called my Dr around 12. Too bad for me it took her 2 and a half hours to get there!!!! I always wondered what took her so long. I think I had to push maybe 5 times and there he was. My mom and Greg’s family made it just in time. They drove down from Phoenix just in time to see sweet Cody Boy. Cody was a colic baby which made for long nights and hard days. I think he was pretty much over that by the time he was 3 months. He has always been very expressive about what he likes and does not like. He makes it very clear when he wants or needs something. There is really no ignoring him, b/c he'll find a way to get what he wants. He is also very stubborn and hard-headed, but at the same time he is so cute, it's hard to be mad at him. Ever since he was a baby, he had to touch my hair in order to fall asleep. He still does that. He's a mama’s boy when it comes to cuddling, but he also has to get in his wrestle time with Daddy. Cody loves all animals and animals seem to love him (could be he always has some sort of food on him). He loves to play cars and trucks. I think he must have 100 hot wheels. My mom got him a spring horse that he loves to play on, especially when Gregory is watching Westerns. He gets his cowboy hat on and his play gun stuck in the back of his diaper and just goes to town being "Cowboy Cody." It’s so much fun just to watch him play and use his imagination. He is such a wonderful, free spirited little boy. He is also turning out to be an awesome big brother.

Just a quick tid bit...My best friend Kate and I found out were due a day apart last March. Her due date was November 19th and mine was the 20th. Well, Kate had baby girl Riley the same day I had Trevor! What are the odds right?

Trevor was born on Wednesday November 21, 2007 at 10:19 in the morning. He was a big boy at 8lbs 12oz and 21 inches long. I was induced with Trevor because there was no luck with stripping the membranes (twice) and I never had any contractions. I was supposed to go in early morning on the 19th, but the hospital was too full. So, I was put on a waiting list. Finally, around 11 at night on the 20th, I was called in. I had sent a text to Kate to let her know I was on my way to the hospital and her husband Cody text me back to let me know she was already there (we delivered at different hospitals). Once I got there, they gave me patocin to induce me and an epidural a little while later. It was great! The delivery part of it was nothing. I had to push maybe 3 times and he was born within minutes, healthy as could be. However, a little after he was born I started to feel nauseous. I ate some yogurt and sure enough it came right back up. I sat up in bed and saw white spots everywhere and heard ringing in my ears then blacked out. They took some blood work and it said I was anemic. I was having lots of blood clots coming out. The Dr ran in and started cleaning me out and pushing on my stomach and let me tell you it hurt like heck. I like to think I have a pretty high pain tolerance too (2 kids before this, 2 tattoos, and a couple of piercings with no complaints) but this sucked!!! I was shaking uncontrollably; I thought I was having a seizer. I guess I was going in and out of it, b/c I woke up later and Greg had put a rose on my chest. I remember waking up and asking him if he thought I died. It was probably one of the scariest times of my life (besides Greg leaving for Iraq). Im so glad my mom was there to explain to me in English all the Doctor lingo. I did get to go home for Thanksgiving with a beautiful, healthy baby boy. This was a big deal because I had some scares early on in my pregnancy. On the first ultrasound, we found out that my placenta was sitting way too low so it was squishing Trevor’s kidneys. They were way too small. That was terrifying for both Greg and me. After a couple more ultrasounds and a visit to a perinatologist (sounds serious right) we found out everything was fine. I couldn’t figure out what the big deal was for having small kidneys. I mean, there are two of them. Turns out after some research, it can be a sign of Down Syndrome. It was very scary!!!! We are so blessed that Trevor is healthy! Trevor is turning out to be an angel baby. He rarely cries and sleeps all through the night. He smiles all the time and loves to look at the color blue. He loves to watch Cody and always smiles when he gets to take a bath. Trevor just seems to love life. It is so much fun just to sit and cuddle him. He makes the cutest cooing sounds. I can’t wait to see more of his personality. It just goes by too fast. Greg and I are so blessed and we are reminded of that every time we see our beautiful boys.

Justin Gregory Tieman was born Friday September 18, 2009 at 9:11 in the morning. He weighed in at exactly 7 lbs and was 19.5 inches long. Everything in a time period of about 36 hours happened so quickly. I had my Dr’s appointment at 2 on Thursday and when I was there, he asked if I wanted the 12 am or 4 am spot to be induced. I took the 12 am spot. Gregory and I made it to the hospital around 12:30, checked in, and then went up to Labor and Delivery. I was given “the gel” around 2:15 am and by 2:20 I was already having small contractions. My nurse had me get up and walk the halls for about 40 minutes. I’m not sure what time I had my epidural? It was with the first nurse I had, so sometime between 3 and 6 am. I got a new nurse around 6:15 and she let me sleep for about 3 hours to get some rest. She came in 8:45-9:00 to check on me and see if I had dilated at all. To my surprise (and hers), I was fully dilated!!! I had slept through all of my contractions! It’s a good thing my Dr was just down stairs getting ready to come up and break my water. I felt so bad for him. I pretty much shot my baby out at him. I pushed 3 times (for about a minute) and he was out. They did have to use to vacuum on him because I already had some abrasions and was starting to bleed. Luckily I got all the medicine I needed and then some to help with the bleeding and everything went really well. I was able to leave the hospital the next day, feeling pretty good. Justin is only a couple of days old, but he is already such a blessing for our family. He is a wonderful baby and absolutely beautiful. Cody and Trevor can’t seem to get enough of him. They love getting to help feed Justin. They are such good big brothers! With Justin now here, I feel our family is complete. Gregory and I couldn’t be happier to have 3 wonderful boys in our lives!

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