Hi Everyone,
I need some help. I am going to sell my moms piano, her computer desk, and her surround sound system. If you are interested, please send me an email or leave a comment. Thanks
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Stuff For Sale
Posted by *Lindsey* at 1:19 PM 1 Left a comment
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Good Things Happen In Three's
I had my 18 week ultrasound today and found out that Gregory and I will be welcoming a third BOY to our family! We are both very excited!!! ( Cody has been telling me for the past 12 weeks that it was a boy, so he wasn't very surprised :)
The lady that did the ultrasound was very nice. I told her about Trevor's kidneys being very tiny at this stage b/c the placenta was sitting on him, and she assured me everything looked great on this ultrasound. 10 fingers, 10 toes, 4 chambers to the heart, legs and arms messuring perfectly, and kidneys at the correct size, with the expected due date around September 28th. With 5 months and counting, I'm hoping to be moved into my mom's house by then.
Posted by *Lindsey* at 5:53 PM 5 Left a comment
Monday, April 27, 2009
It's Official: I'm Crazy!!!
Obviously I have been having a really hard time this past month, without a doubt the hardest thing I have ever been through in my life. But now it's official: I'm absolutely 100% crazy! I talk to my mom everyday and she is starting to answer me. Not in the way that most people would think though. When I went to say good-bye to Mom at the mortuary, she had this very different, very distinct smell to her. Something I have never smelled in my life. So far, I have smelled that same smell on her 3 times now. Twice in my own home, and one time at her house, but it's very brief. Just enough to let me know she is still here, which I appreciate very much. That's just one thing.
Another thing: I have the hardest time sleeping now. I can lay there forever and not fall a sleep, I wake up in the middle of the night all the time. But as long as I talk to my mom before I go to bed, I sleep like I'm under some sort of spell. She helps me sleep all through the night.
And now, the major thing.
This morning I get a call. I was still in bed, so I didn't get up to answer it. When I finally checked my phone, all it said was 10...It said no name and cell phone with the number 10!!!! No message. I tried calling it back, and it said 'the number you are trying to call cannot be reached, please hang up and try again'. Ok, the thing is, is that my mom's birthday was/is November 10. Cody's bday is May 10. Mine and Greg's anniversary is August 10. My sister in laws birthday ( who my mom loved by the way) is February 10. My mom always said that 10 was a great number for our family. Seriously, any number in the world could have been on my caller ID this morning, but it was 10! I tried calling the phone company and they can't trace it because they don't have any record of it even coming in. Crazy right!!!
Let's just say I know exactly why she did this. I don't know how clear this picture is, but I think it's pretty cool.
(you can click on the picture to enlarge)
Oh! And I forgot to add that my mom is leaving gifts for kids as well.
I don't know if you remember the video post about Trevor and the blow dryer? Anyway, Trevor loves blow dryers and he loves pink. Keri and I went to Walmart a while ago looking for a little pink blow dryer for Trevor to play with, but we had no luck, not even a little toy one. I told my mom to be on the look out for a pink blow dryer for Trevor. Well, last week Keri was cleaning out my moms closet and was going through all of my moms luggage to make sure nothing was in them, and low and behold, what does she find but the cutest little pink blow dryer I have ever seen. I have never seen this thing in my life and it looks almost brand new. After I saw it, and had a good laugh about it, I said to my mom 'Oh, you've got jokes now that you're on the other side'. It made me smile.
Posted by *Lindsey* at 12:15 PM 8 Left a comment
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I don't have time right now to make a long post (have to go clean again), but I will say the concert was absolutely amazing!!! The special effects, the lights, the costumes, and of coarse Britney we're jaw dropping! And Im proud of myself, I only had one tiny crying incident, but it was during her Everytime song, and if you've ever heard the song, I'm sure you understand why. Other then that, I had a great time with some really great friends, Tina and Jacy! Love you! Stay tuned for a much longer post :)
Posted by *Lindsey* at 9:07 AM 1 Left a comment
Thursday, April 23, 2009
***{It was much more real at first}
*I miss her so much*********I cry for her at night, but she doesn't answer*
Posted by *Lindsey* at 1:46 PM 1 Left a comment
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Lots Of Cleaning!
Gregory and I have been at my Moms almost everyday cleaning. I should really be taking before and after pictures because you would be amazed at the transformation so far. I think I'll start actually.
We ended up getting one of those huge 40 yard roll off dumpsters yesterday and then a huge mobile mini delivered today so we can put the things we're keeping in there without taking up more room in the house. You have to realize that my mom didn't have a lot of stuff...it's the just stuff from my Grandparents and even great Grandparents that my mom still had at the house and never went though. I feel bad through all this stuff away, but we don't have room for it, and it's not in any condition that someone else would want it. We're so lucky that Gregory's mom Keri has been over there everyday helping us clean as well. My Aunt and Uncle are driving down from Cottonwood again this weekend to help out as well.
Greg's uncle Steve came over to the house today to give us some ideas on remodeling/adding on etc, and building a new block wall. We are very excited about the new wall because it will give us another 10ft or so in the backyard. The yard as it is now is already double what we have here. The boys and the dogs will love the big yard.
Anyway, I'll start taking some pictures of the house and post them next week sometime.
Posted by *Lindsey* at 9:01 PM 1 Left a comment
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I can't believe it's already been two weeks?! My mom's service was this past Saturday and it was so beautiful! Somehow, somewhere, I found enough strength to speak for it. I'm so glad I did. I have wonderful stories and memories of my mom and I'm so glad I was able to share a couple with everyone that attended.
It still hasn't completely sunk in yet. I find myself thinking, "Oh that's so funny, I should call Mom and tell her" I just kind of have to check myself every once in a while and remind myself that she's no longer here. It's like every time I have to do that, it's a smack in my face, and it becomes real all over again. I don't even know what I'm saying right now.
Things have slowed down just a bit, but I know the next couple of months are going to be absolutely crazy!!!
Greg and I decided the best thing for us will be to move into my mom's house. My grandparents had that house built, my mom grew up there, I grew up there, and I guess it's time for my kids to do the same. I think we are going to short sale our house, if that's too much, we will probably just foreclose?
Posted by *Lindsey* at 7:00 PM 2 Left a comment
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I'm Pretty Sure Someone Ripped My Heart Out
Posted by *Lindsey* at 7:52 PM 19 Left a comment
Our Slide Show
All About The Kiddos
Just a quick tid bit...My best friend Kate and I found out were due a day apart last March. Her due date was November 19th and mine was the 20th. Well, Kate had baby girl Riley the same day I had Trevor! What are the odds right?
Trevor was born on Wednesday November 21, 2007 at 10:19 in the morning. He was a big boy at 8lbs 12oz and 21 inches long. I was induced with Trevor because there was no luck with stripping the membranes (twice) and I never had any contractions. I was supposed to go in early morning on the 19th, but the hospital was too full. So, I was put on a waiting list. Finally, around 11 at night on the 20th, I was called in. I had sent a text to Kate to let her know I was on my way to the hospital and her husband Cody text me back to let me know she was already there (we delivered at different hospitals). Once I got there, they gave me patocin to induce me and an epidural a little while later. It was great! The delivery part of it was nothing. I had to push maybe 3 times and he was born within minutes, healthy as could be. However, a little after he was born I started to feel nauseous. I ate some yogurt and sure enough it came right back up. I sat up in bed and saw white spots everywhere and heard ringing in my ears then blacked out. They took some blood work and it said I was anemic. I was having lots of blood clots coming out. The Dr ran in and started cleaning me out and pushing on my stomach and let me tell you it hurt like heck. I like to think I have a pretty high pain tolerance too (2 kids before this, 2 tattoos, and a couple of piercings with no complaints) but this sucked!!! I was shaking uncontrollably; I thought I was having a seizer. I guess I was going in and out of it, b/c I woke up later and Greg had put a rose on my chest. I remember waking up and asking him if he thought I died. It was probably one of the scariest times of my life (besides Greg leaving for Iraq). Im so glad my mom was there to explain to me in English all the Doctor lingo. I did get to go home for Thanksgiving with a beautiful, healthy baby boy. This was a big deal because I had some scares early on in my pregnancy. On the first ultrasound, we found out that my placenta was sitting way too low so it was squishing Trevor’s kidneys. They were way too small. That was terrifying for both Greg and me. After a couple more ultrasounds and a visit to a perinatologist (sounds serious right) we found out everything was fine. I couldn’t figure out what the big deal was for having small kidneys. I mean, there are two of them. Turns out after some research, it can be a sign of Down Syndrome. It was very scary!!!! We are so blessed that Trevor is healthy! Trevor is turning out to be an angel baby. He rarely cries and sleeps all through the night. He smiles all the time and loves to look at the color blue. He loves to watch Cody and always smiles when he gets to take a bath. Trevor just seems to love life. It is so much fun just to sit and cuddle him. He makes the cutest cooing sounds. I can’t wait to see more of his personality. It just goes by too fast. Greg and I are so blessed and we are reminded of that every time we see our beautiful boys.
Justin Gregory Tieman was born Friday September 18, 2009 at 9:11 in the morning. He weighed in at exactly 7 lbs and was 19.5 inches long. Everything in a time period of about 36 hours happened so quickly. I had my Dr’s appointment at 2 on Thursday and when I was there, he asked if I wanted the 12 am or 4 am spot to be induced. I took the 12 am spot. Gregory and I made it to the hospital around 12:30, checked in, and then went up to Labor and Delivery. I was given “the gel” around 2:15 am and by 2:20 I was already having small contractions. My nurse had me get up and walk the halls for about 40 minutes. I’m not sure what time I had my epidural? It was with the first nurse I had, so sometime between 3 and 6 am. I got a new nurse around 6:15 and she let me sleep for about 3 hours to get some rest. She came in 8:45-9:00 to check on me and see if I had dilated at all. To my surprise (and hers), I was fully dilated!!! I had slept through all of my contractions! It’s a good thing my Dr was just down stairs getting ready to come up and break my water. I felt so bad for him. I pretty much shot my baby out at him. I pushed 3 times (for about a minute) and he was out. They did have to use to vacuum on him because I already had some abrasions and was starting to bleed. Luckily I got all the medicine I needed and then some to help with the bleeding and everything went really well. I was able to leave the hospital the next day, feeling pretty good. Justin is only a couple of days old, but he is already such a blessing for our family. He is a wonderful baby and absolutely beautiful. Cody and Trevor can’t seem to get enough of him. They love getting to help feed Justin. They are such good big brothers! With Justin now here, I feel our family is complete. Gregory and I couldn’t be happier to have 3 wonderful boys in our lives!